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- Publication:
- The Lead Belt Newsi
- Location:
- Flat River, Missouri
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 9
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KiimvKXl Day or Night Ambulance Service Undertaker gum KNOB LICK NEWS 1 and Nollan BALANCED UNIT RADIO wrapped DOES NOT OPERATE TxBladaTdeB Swear By not At Ollicc ON'E DV ONLY A 4 Missouri Pacific Lines No Charge fur Consultation 1 Motor Coach PHILCO BABY GRAND Service $4050 Less Tubes is a Convenient Safe Less Tubes Pleasant Way ARMINGTON ROUTE ONE to Travel Laub Mrs lantiMro $mll Hl SVM ('r Name CALEDONIA NEWS Mi Utctet Address 1 ri State'' Town CONVENIENT TERMS! Chrirtl and u' NrrU Elvins Missouri (Wife Saving Station) Z2 Iwwr fc'Wfii As? a short while the guest' of underwent an local hospital removal of his! Wiggcr spent the week in St oil UuJ The motor coach service op erated by the Missouri Pacific Transportation Company pro vides an additional and con venient service to patrons of the Missouri Pacific Lines Local agents will furnish in formation! about fares and schedules Unit 'll Will he at St rancois Hotel DEC 9 Hours 10 a lo in fur the ton A Jensen were home of the for red Jansen and Their spent Saturday and Sunday here with the mother Mrs Mary Henson and family Dr A Son and daughter Em ma spent riday in Desloge? ns dinner guests of Mr and Mrs A Buckner Mr and Mrs red Thelman and Mr and Mrs Grover Wright and two daughters Dorothy and Vir ginia of St Louis spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr and Mrs Smith Cruncleton Mr and Mrs Emmett Thomas and Mr and Mrs Harry White aker and daughter Shirley Ann spent riday in Sullivan Mo and enroute to their home stopped in Maplewood at the home of the for sister' Mrs Arthur Mann hMrs J' A Hendricks spent Wed nesday in lat River with friends Paul Brewen of St Louis spent Saturday here at the home of his sister Mr and Mrs Henry Car row Mr and Mrs Clyde Blackwell and family and Mr and Mrs Roy Blackwell and daughter Kay spent Sunday at Melzo with the parents Mr and Mrs John Black well 'Robert David of Granite City and Mr and Mrs Lloyd David of Elvins spent Sunday evening here as the guests of the par ents Mr and Mrs red Court way Emmett Wills spent Monday evening in Cantwell on business Preston liarrington of ann ington spent riday here with his sister Mrs Louis Perret and at SERVING NINE STATES ARKANSAS ILLINOIS KANSAS LOUISIANA MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI NEBRASKA TENNESSEE TEXAS Mr and Mrs Ed Davis Davis who is seriously ill i ported to he some better Davis formerly was Miss Kessler before her marriage or If your not call Phone 761 and GS6 DESLOGE MO Clearview sclrol family a lew hours bunuay Mr and Mrs Robert McClary and son Lawrence went to St Lcuis Monday morning Mr Mc Clary expects to enter a hospital foi treatment Eugene Hayes of St Louis was called Ijere last week to see his mother who is very ill AL Ramsey is having a new Delco plant installed in his home this week rank Hayes and mother Mrs Alice Hayes of Belgrade visited Mrs Anna Hayes at Mr and Mrs red iBean one day last week rank Larmer and family at tended the funeral of a nephew at Sunlight Tuesday "The ladies of the Methodist church will hold their annual ba zaar on Dec 5th (riday) at the church A chicken pie dinner will be served at noon and six Beautiful and practical Christmas presents will be for sale through out the day The members of the Eastern Star and Society of the Pres byterian church met together last Saturday at the Masonic Hall and gave Mr and Mrs Perry Hoffman (newivweds) a miscellaneous shower The evening was spent in playing games after a short pro gram was rendered Refreshments were served by the entertainmnt committe Mr and Mrs Hoffman were recipients of many nice pres ents nor the hospital with his stepfather rank Pratt Miss Sonia Goodman spent Tues da yand Wednesday in St Louis on business Captain Hugh Ausley of St Louis spent Monday in this city on business Mr i and Mrs Womack and two daughters Dorothy and Mary Ruth and niece Mary Leona of lat River and Mr and Mrs Buford spent Sunday evening here with relatives Mr and Mrs rank Henson of St spent Sunday here with the former's mother Mrs Mary Henson and family Mr and Mrs' Solda'n Clark and family of St Louis spent Sunday here at the home of Mrs Sall ie Wells and family Weare very glad to report that rank' Pratt of Route one who has been in the local hospital the past week on account of being ac cidently shot was able to return to his home Monday i Mr' and Mrs Harry Johnson Oran Son and Miss Myrtle Cash spent Saturday in St Louis as the guests of the daugh ter Miss' Marie Johnson who is a private nurse at Gatesworth Hotel Mr and Mrs Tom McCabe of redericktown spent several days here as the guests of the brother Mr and Mrs Norman Me Cube Miss Bernice Thornton of St Louis spent Saturday and Sunday here with relatives and attended the Missouri Pacific dance We are very sorry to report that Wendell Stuart let riday for the St Hospital to undergo an operation Mr and Mrs 'Will Murphy and family and Mr and Mrs Ed Mur phy of Big River spent Sunday here as the guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Johnson and family Mrs Clyde Blackwell and Mrs Roscoe Blackwell spent riday in lat River shopping Mrs rank Pratt and daughter Evelyn of route one spent Sunday here at the home of the daughter Mr and Mrs Louis Per ret Mr and Mrs Harry Whitcaker and daughter and the mother Mrs Emmett homas motored to redericktown Sunday afternoon red Boehm of DeSoto spent Saturday evening here with friends The Carnation club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs Blcmel for an all day quilting Miss Emma East and William Wilkinson spenv Sunday in Colum bia Movis the guests of the lat sister" Mr and Mrs Son and family Mrs John Johnson Mr and Mrs Orville Lock and Iee Murphy spent from riday until Sunday in Joplin with the parents Mr and'Mrs Dickens Dr A Son and daughter Emma and red Boehm of DeSoto spent 'Sunday in lat River with the former daughter Mr and Mrs Buford LiiMrs Nell Hoskings 'and Alvin Mayer of St Louis spent Sunday evening here at the par ents Mr and Mrs rank Hos Mr and Mrs Wm Jaxon of St spent Sundays here at the wil v' 1 Coaches which will stop at any point on signal to permit passengers to board or alight call at conveniently located stations in the outlying dis tricts and the downtown bust necs sections of every city they serve Competent opera tors insure safe and depend able operation Through highway serviceis operated daily between St Louis and Palestine Texas via Little Rock connecting with Missouri Pacific Lines rail service between Palestine and Houston San Antonio Laredo Corpus Christi and the Lower Rio Grande Valley DEINITION WASH DAY: ACHING BACK TIRED MUSCLES RAZZLED NERVES AND A TOSY TURVY HOME of anv model Dr Dieterich is a regular grad uate in medicine and surgery and is Her used by the state of Missouri He visits professionally the more important towns and cities and of? fers to all who call on this trip free consultation except the ex pense of treatment when desired According to his method of treat he does not operate for chronic appendicitis gall stones ulcers of stomach or enlarged ton 'WHi SOo for packiga of 3 At All Leading Dealers Mr and Mrs Coghill ofj armington visited Mr and Mrs Hicks last Wednesday i' Dent spent several days in St Louis last week Perry Hoffman and wife ol armington spent the latter part oi tne weeu in Caledonia Mr and Mrs Zeb Mr and Mrs William Day and daughter Miss Bessie of Lead wood were guests of Bean and family Sunday Miss Jean Allison of Bismarck was the guest of Miss Winifred Knox the latter part of the week Mrs Ella White spent last ri day in Ironton with Mr and Mrs Ancel White Joe and Ralph Queen and A WORLD'S GREATEST ALL ELECTKIC 7 TUBES TRIPLE SCREEN GRID DYNAMIC SPEAKER AMAZING VOLUME WALNUT CABINET and Bean spent Sunday in St Louis John Rhodes of St Louis visit ed his parents Saturday night and Sunday MiSalli Bean of arming ton visited relatives in this com munity the past week Mr and Mrs rank Williams Jeft last week for Buxom North Carolina where they will spend the winter with their son Luther and wife Granville Simmons left last week for StxLouis seeking em ployment A Bean has taken charge of' the barber shop here since Mr Ewing left for St Louis 'J Haw spent Saturday and Sunday in Colombia Rev 0 Ellis filled his regular anointment at the church Belgrade Sunday and Mrs Rhodes and little daughter Lois of Tulsa Okla are spending the week with here at "orest Mr Rhodes is manager of the Claim Division of the Century In demnity Co 'and is now being transferred to his new office locat ed nt Cleveland Ohio Mr and Mrs A Rieffer left for southeast' Missouri for WUKh Vlrtll WIUL IVldUVVSs Mrs 1 bebasnau and daugh ter Duckett spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Hunt feV'In Bismarck Presbyterian Auxiliary held their regular meeting at the home ef Mrs II Eversole Thursday afternoon A general review of the mission study books was given by the class during the program Mr and Mrs Robert Boring and daughter of Rivermines were the guests of Mr and Mrs? Robert Bnjs Monday Miss Ruth Scheffler of St Louis spent over the week end with her aunt Mrs Meinhardt Mr and Mrs Lester Valle and son visited DeSoto Saturday night and Sunday Robert Bays and family spent' Sunday Belleview with her par ents Mr and Mrs Sinclair were guests of Mrs Reid and daughter in Ironton Sunday" Mesdames Drew and Chas Drew were shopping in arming ton last riday Mesdames Sebastian Sutherland and Duckett made a business trip to Williams ville the first of the week a Miss Ruth Ann McClary came home from Tiff Mo where she teaches school for the week end with homefolks i 'Maynard Dickey and family and Mrs Ollie Boring of lat River visited Ramsey and wife Sunday Mi and Mrs II Bell of Potosi were guests of Hicks and 4'ormlv low Kahvc ftiinrbiv laws who had is able to be1 back COME MAIL COUPON OR TELEPHONE OR ree Home Trial! ARMINGTON LAUNDRY THE LEAD BELT LAT RIVER ST RANCOIS COUNTY' MISSOURI RIDAY NOVEMEER SIZEMORE ELVINS MO Please giie me a free home tiial of a Philco Radio i Chas Kinney is visiting Mr and Mrs Everett Kinney and other relatives and friends at lat River at this writing Some of the people of Knob Lick were greatly shocked" last week when they heard of the death of an old friend Commodore Perry Bunch The Knob Lick people ex tend sympathy to the bereaved Miss Edith Jansen of rederick town visited Mr and Mrs Joe Richards last week end Mr and Mrs Wm Vandcrgriff and family and Mr and Mrs An drew Torrey of Elvins were Knob Lick visitois Monday Joe Richards of Knob Lick and Christopher Jansen of Doe Run were redericktown visitors 'ri day hey visited Mrs IL aioore wmie in Mr and Mrs visitors at the brother Mrs red Jansen Sunday son Emett wch has been seriously ill with typhoid fever for eleven weeks is sbwly imporvmg Mrs Ed Combs who was serious ly ill last week is reported to be improving at this writing A large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs Wallace to eelebarte her 73rd birthday anniversary Her children and their family gathered early bringing well fill ed baskets Mrs Wallace received several nice gifts ollowing the dinner a musical program was enjoyed at the Un ion Churih Those present were Mr and Mrs Pratte and Mr and Mrs Kelly of Webster Groves Mr and Mrs John Inman and daughter Audrey of St Louis Mr Mrs Hood and children Virginia Waldo and Willard Miss Marian Womack and Mr and Mrs A Eaves of lat Rivet Mr and Mrs A II Milne and children' Alex JrGorden and rances of Gideon Mo Air and Mrs 'George Wallace and children Winfred and George Jr and Audell Mr and Mrs leming and Mrs Gohani of Knob Lick Mr and Airs Gorden Milne and son James of Synite Air and Mrs A Allen and Mr and Airs Chas Rowe and two children of lat River One daughter Airs Grady of armington was unable to be present because of an accident which occurred in her home some time ago Every one who were enjoyed the day very much and left at a late hour wishing Mrs Wallace many more happy birth days Air and Airs Joe Richards "of Knob Lick and Miss Edith Jansen of redericktown visited Air and Airs red Jansen of Doe Run Sun day Several from this community were visiting in armington Sun day evening Edward Williams of Doe Run was visiting in Knob Lick Thurs day evening Several from this community has been attending church in lat ei Airs Mathew of reder icktown visited at the home of Mr and Mrs James Clark Roy Jensen was a rederick town visitor Mrs James oley who returned from Barnes Hospital in St Louis several weeks ago is improving rapidly Virgil Sikes was in this com munity last riday advertising Shell gasoline and motor oils Albert Canterberry was visiting in armington one day last week Airs Mary Hunt returned home from armington last Saturday where she has been staying with Mr and Mrs Ed Davis Mrs Davis who is ill is re Mrs Maiy 5 URHAM We wiil gladly answer your call at any hour and go any where BOYER Special OHer ICG Trial Duplex wrapped iwdes are so Mr and Airs James Robinson and Miss Gertrude Johnson of lat River were the Sunday guests of Mrs and Miss John parents Air and Mrs Law rence Johnson of this route The evening guests ot Mr and Johnson were Mildred and Paul Johnson also of this route Mr and Mrs0 IL Moore and children spent Sunday in Doe Run Jacob' and Alary Wampler were the Sunday guests of George Her zmger and Arnold Russell of this route Mr and Mrs Ted Long and children Ina Jane: and Norma Jeane and George Moore all of Desloge spent Saturday' the guests Coming to ARMINGTON Dr Dieterich SPECIALIST in Internad Medicine for the twenty yearn ONNE TERRE NEWS Gilbert Pratt of St Louis spent Wednesday here with his brother rank Pratt who was in the local hospital 'Misses Dorothy Courtway Alma Waters Roy Scout and Harry An derson of St Louis spent Saturday and Sunday here with the parents Mr and Mrs red Court 1 way and Mrs Ed Talman and Mr and Mrs Dick Lee of St Louis spent Saturday 'and Sunday here as the guests of Mr and Mrs Wil bur Mitchell Louis Goodman and sister Mrs Alax Robins of Santa Rosa Calif who has spent the past week in St Louis returned to this city Sun day Mr and Airs A Henson and daughter Jaqualin St Louis Mrs Nace Ramsey is spending this week the guest of Mrs Ed Burns of Libertyville Harrison Bowling and Emmett Smith wore visiting in this com munity this week Rollan Wampler was a business visitor in armington Tuesday morning Mrs Ed rbst of this route is spending this week in St Louis Mr and Mrs Henry White and daughter Alberta were visiting in Desloge Sunday Rollan Wampler and Red Haanrr spent a short while Sunday night the guests of the par nts Air and Mrs Otto Wampler William Wampler is spending the week on this route Mr and laden Kincaid at tended church at the Methodist Church at Libertyville Sunday Mr and Mrs Dave Laws and family were the Sunday guests of Yeargam' Little Carl Johnson attended school at the riday Littlc Junior broken his arm school again Mrs Willard first part of the Miss Gertrude Johnson returned! to her home in Elat River after! spending from Saturday until Mon? day morning the guest of Air and Airs Lawrence Johnson I sister Mr and Mrs Geo Thurman and family Air and Mrs Williamson of St Louis spent Sunday evening here with the latter's sister Mr and Mrs Herbert DeClue and fam ily Elmer Wilfong operation nt the Tuesday forthe tonsils Mrs A Wood Airs John Muss and George Smith spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ed' Smith in Elvins Dr 0 AV Koch and brother Koch of St Louis spent Sun day at the home of Mr and Mrs Mayberry Wm Sehutzius of St Louis spent Sunday visiting friends here Mr and Mrs Charles Linxa and Mr and Airs John Wood of lat' River visited Airs A Wood Sunday afternoon Miss Lillian Mayberry of St Louis spent over the week end visiting her parents Mr and Mrs AL Alayberry and sister" Mim Edit Air and Mrs John Vaughan1 spent Thursday afternoon in arm ington He has to his credit wonderful results in diseases of the Stomach Liver bowels blood skin nerves heart kidneys bladder bed wet ting catarrh weak lunks iheu matism sciatica leg ulcers and rectal ailments If vou have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better do not fail to call as im proper measures rather than di are very often the cause of your long standing trouble Remember above date that con sultation cn this trip will he free and that his treatment is different Al A RR I ED At OMEN MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR HUSBANDS AND MINORS BY THEIR PAREN'IS Address 332 Boston Block Min neapolis" Minn ADV 2tx 11 28 pnsZCOL 9 TUBE Screen Boy Encased in an American Black Walnut 'cabinet Has an Electro Dynamic Speaker Tone Control Automatic A'olume Control Built i in Aerial uses 3 screen grid tubes 1 $12750tSL HARRY LAYNE Agent VkPrsidMt Gentral Monagtr Mo Pac Transportation Co Missouri Pjcilic Transportation Co lat River Mo St New front to be placed in Elks Chib on South Main St New lights installed in Graham Drug Store St Charles Highway No 94 to bo between this city and Weit Alton Robert 'Stroud will open luuer erviee station in new A Rupe Luildin 'on Soutfr'Y Alain St New Bank 'aid hotel building nears ci mpletion When you open a package of Durham Duplex Blades you see tne most careiui wrapping that science can devise The blade are placed in a patented folder JUr Wt with the edges protected from contact with tlie paper by little tans a ms loiaer is tnen in a nenneucauy seatea waxes paper wrapper making the blades abso lutely sanitary and rust proof The bright red Durham Duplex blade pack age is the Sign of Safety for over 12 000000 VOlffCJlsWXj' men Why not join today? AR MO CO KEROSINE The kind that does not smoke your stove grocer can nish you Armbruster Oil Co Phono 'll LAT RIVER SIZEMORE MISSOURI PACIIC transportation! LUMANYy of Mr and Mrs 0 IT Moore Miss Unit the county health nurse and Clyde Akers were visiting the schools of this com munity this week Mr and Mrs Dave Laws and ehikiren Mildred Ruff Claude Davis Laws Jr'and Joel attended the birthday dinner of Air and Mrs Yenrgain Thursday Mr Yeargain was 78 years of age The evening was spent in playing rook and other interesting games Mi and Mrs George Hanis and daughters Wanda ern and Mil dred left Monday morning for California where they will make their home I'elix Bieser and son are build ing a new bungalow for Mr Albert Worley this week Air and Airs Eugene Boyd and little daughter Neda Jean of St Louis spent from Saturday after noon until Sunday afternoon with Judge and Mrs Boyd of this route Miss Margaret McCreary spent Sunday the guest of Miss Mabie Morris this route Mildred and Jim Boyd of Coff man pent riday the guests red Casteel Marvin and Ethel Ragsdale and Pearl Iarby spent Saturday in St Louis Henry Moore and Alaudie Womack spent short while Sun days' evening the guests of Ellen Moore Mr and Mrs Jeff Thomas and Mrs A Smith of estus wereyvis itihg on this route this Mr and Airs Clay Mullins spent Sunday the guests of Air and Mrs Otto Wampler 'Air and Mrs George Moore of Desloge spent this week the guest of Oliver Moore Red Hamor spent Wednesday evening Rollan Wampler ranklin Smith Wampelr spent a short while Sun day morning the of Otto Wampler Mr and Mrs Harry Bloomeyer (and son Robert were visitors at the 'home of Air and Mrs Sam Johnson of this route Mr and Mrs A Worley and family spent Sunday in lat River the guests of Mr and Airs AVillis Najlor AIr Vincent Rickaid of St Louis is spending the week end the guest of Airs Adam Mewburger i of this route th tafetvlHe' Knob inft Bluff he 1 4 I I i I fi Mg! 5 if 'rt up air t'i1 li ftBw I i A I 5 rr" 'L Bhitf 1 iL 'JU 1 a ii Jf lu AMteUvrf rllTf TC i i I wX WfbnTia Jbii a a i 8 vfi UO :4 A I St 1 5 ft A a a ffw1 A tafrV th ie III I fH I I I iW.
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- Pages Available:
- 27,409
- Years Available:
- 1915-1964