Sisterhood - mewatch (2024)




Rated PG


1 season available

1 season

Sisterhood - mewatch (1)

In the 1930s, Ouyang Tian Qing and several other young women from the Sanshui area of Guangdong came to Singapore by boat to work on construction sites in order to survive. They wore bright red headscarves and were known as "Red Scarf". A magnificent story of the struggles of overseas Chinese slowly unfolds, telling the story of thousands of emotions in Nanyang, and displaying the beauty of Chinese culture over the years.《南洋女儿情》是讲述华人女性海外励志奋斗史诗剧。 由肖燕、戴向宇携手再续《小娘惹》前缘,诉说南洋万千情思;年代励志传奇、女性群像情感新作,绽放唯美清新之歌;妙笔描绘华人海外奋斗之精神、尽览沧海岁月中的华人文化之美,天涯共赏波澜壮阔传奇。

Cast & Crew

CastXiao YanDai Xiang YuLina YueYu Fei Fan

In the 1930s, Ouyang Tian Qing and several other young women from the Sanshui area of Guangdong came to Singapore by boat to work on construction sites in order to survive. They wore bright red headscarves and were known as "Red Scarf". A magnificent story of the struggles of overseas Chinese slowly unfolds, telling the story of thousands of emotions in Nanyang, and displaying the beauty of Chinese culture over the years.《南洋女儿情》是讲述华人女性海外励志奋斗史诗剧。 由肖燕、戴向宇携手再续《小娘惹》前缘,诉说南洋万千情思;年代励志传奇、女性群像情感新作,绽放唯美清新之歌;妙笔描绘华人海外奋斗之精神、尽览沧海岁月中的华人文化之美,天涯共赏波澜壮阔传奇。

Ep 1

23 mins

Xiaochan follows her fellow villager Tianqing out of hometown. She hides in the cabin of the ship and sneaks on board as she is unable to buy a ticket. After disembarking, Xiaochan is harrassed by Haisheng, a local hooligan in Xingzhou. Fortunately, Tianqing and Bai Wei work together to help repel Haisheng... 小蝉追随同乡天晴,因没买到票只好躲在船舱里偷渡而来。下船后,小蝉被星洲地头蛇海生为难,幸得天晴与白薇合力帮助才打退邝海生。。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (2)

Sisterhood - mewatch (3)

Xiaochan follows her fellow villager Tianqing out of hometown. She hides in the cabin of the ship and sneaks on board as she is unable to buy a ticket. After disembarking, Xiaochan is harrassed by Haisheng, a local hooligan in Xingzhou. Fortunately, Tianqing and Bai Wei work together to help repel Haisheng... 小蝉追随同乡天晴,因没买到票只好躲在船舱里偷渡而来。下船后,小蝉被星洲地头蛇海生为难,幸得天晴与白薇合力帮助才打退邝海生。。。。。。

Ep 2

23 mins

Sister Qi only prepares twelve red headscarves. She refuses to take in Xiaochan as she fears that Xiaochan might cause trouble for her. Tianqing pleads earnestly on behalf of Xiaochan... 七姑娘只准备了十二条红头巾。她不肯收留小蝉,担心小蝉会给她惹麻烦。天晴极力替小蝉求情。。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (4)

Sisterhood - mewatch (5)

Sister Qi only prepares twelve red headscarves. She refuses to take in Xiaochan as she fears that Xiaochan might cause trouble for her. Tianqing pleads earnestly on behalf of Xiaochan... 七姑娘只准备了十二条红头巾。她不肯收留小蝉,担心小蝉会给她惹麻烦。天晴极力替小蝉求情。。。。。。

Ep 3

23 mins

Tianqing and Xiaochan are on the rooftop envisioning the future. Xiaochan hopes to marry a good man to ease her hardship, while Tianqing hopes to earn money through her own efforts to build a house for her father. Although both have different life plans, they are determined to work together. 天晴和小蝉在屋顶憧憬着未来,小蝉期许嫁个好男人让自己少些辛苦,而天晴却希望靠自己的努力赚钱给阿爸盖房。二人虽有不同的人生规划,但决心一同努力。

Sisterhood - mewatch (6)

Sisterhood - mewatch (7)

Tianqing and Xiaochan are on the rooftop envisioning the future. Xiaochan hopes to marry a good man to ease her hardship, while Tianqing hopes to earn money through her own efforts to build a house for her father. Although both have different life plans, they are determined to work together. 天晴和小蝉在屋顶憧憬着未来,小蝉期许嫁个好男人让自己少些辛苦,而天晴却希望靠自己的努力赚钱给阿爸盖房。二人虽有不同的人生规划,但决心一同努力。

Ep 4

22 mins

Zhanyuan is very satisfied with the new tuition teacher Bai Wei but Bihua is determined to instigate her sister to drive Bai Wei away. However, Biyun wants to please her mother-in-law with her son's academic achievements. 展元对新来的女家庭教师白薇很满意,碧华却一心怂恿姐姐碧云把白薇赶走,但碧云却想借着儿子的功课成绩讨老太太欢心。

Sisterhood - mewatch (8)

Sisterhood - mewatch (9)

Zhanyuan is very satisfied with the new tuition teacher Bai Wei but Bihua is determined to instigate her sister to drive Bai Wei away. However, Biyun wants to please her mother-in-law with her son's academic achievements. 展元对新来的女家庭教师白薇很满意,碧华却一心怂恿姐姐碧云把白薇赶走,但碧云却想借着儿子的功课成绩讨老太太欢心。

Ep 5

22 mins

Tianqing gets warning from Sister Qi for helping Xiaochan carry sand and ash. Xiaochan is unable to adapt to the hard work. She complains to Tianqing of her regret that she should has gotten married if she had known it. 天晴因帮小蝉挑砂灰遭到七姑娘的警告。小蝉无法适应做工的辛苦,便向天晴抱怨,早知如此不如嫁人算了。

Sisterhood - mewatch (10)

Sisterhood - mewatch (11)

Tianqing gets warning from Sister Qi for helping Xiaochan carry sand and ash. Xiaochan is unable to adapt to the hard work. She complains to Tianqing of her regret that she should has gotten married if she had known it. 天晴因帮小蝉挑砂灰遭到七姑娘的警告。小蝉无法适应做工的辛苦,便向天晴抱怨,早知如此不如嫁人算了。

Ep 6

23 mins

A -Ying is severely injured and dying. She conveys her last wishes to Tianqing with her last breath. Tianqing wants to take A-Ying home by tram but A-Ying insists on braving the rain to meet the man she admires at the school... 阿瑛伤势严重已经奄奄一息,拼尽最后一口气向天晴交代遗言。天晴要坐电车送阿瑛回家,但阿瑛却要冒雨去学校见自己心仪的男人。。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (12)

Sisterhood - mewatch (13)

A -Ying is severely injured and dying. She conveys her last wishes to Tianqing with her last breath. Tianqing wants to take A-Ying home by tram but A-Ying insists on braving the rain to meet the man she admires at the school... 阿瑛伤势严重已经奄奄一息,拼尽最后一口气向天晴交代遗言。天晴要坐电车送阿瑛回家,但阿瑛却要冒雨去学校见自己心仪的男人。。。。。。

Ep 7

23 mins

Tianqing accidentally discovers that someone uses old tires to make shoe soles. She asks Shixiang to help find some old tires and wants to make shoes for ladies at the construction site to prevent Aying's tragedy happening again. Shixiang admires Tianqing greatly and wants to promote her as a female foreman, but she rejects his kindness. 天晴无意中发现有人用旧轮胎做鞋底,她去找世襄帮忙找一些旧轮胎,想给工地的姑娘们做鞋子,以免阿瑛的悲剧再次发生,世襄对她大为赞赏,还要提拔她当女工头,但她拒绝了他的好意。

Sisterhood - mewatch (14)

Sisterhood - mewatch (15)

Tianqing accidentally discovers that someone uses old tires to make shoe soles. She asks Shixiang to help find some old tires and wants to make shoes for ladies at the construction site to prevent Aying's tragedy happening again. Shixiang admires Tianqing greatly and wants to promote her as a female foreman, but she rejects his kindness. 天晴无意中发现有人用旧轮胎做鞋底,她去找世襄帮忙找一些旧轮胎,想给工地的姑娘们做鞋子,以免阿瑛的悲剧再次发生,世襄对她大为赞赏,还要提拔她当女工头,但她拒绝了他的好意。

Ep 8

23 mins

Haisheng pursues Tianqing relentlessly, calling her "wife" in public, and even offers to help her with work. Tianqing is so disturbed that she asks Sister Qi to ask Shixiang to drive Haisheng away. 海生对天晴穷追不舍,当众喊她老婆,还主动帮她干活,天晴不胜其烦,拜托七姑娘去请世襄把海生赶走。

Sisterhood - mewatch (16)

Sisterhood - mewatch (17)

Haisheng pursues Tianqing relentlessly, calling her "wife" in public, and even offers to help her with work. Tianqing is so disturbed that she asks Sister Qi to ask Shixiang to drive Haisheng away. 海生对天晴穷追不舍,当众喊她老婆,还主动帮她干活,天晴不胜其烦,拜托七姑娘去请世襄把海生赶走。

Ep 9

23 mins

Xueting is going to the GODDESS HOTEL tonight to ask Nanlan about the death of his eldest brother. He wants to take Bai Wei with him, and Bai Wei naturally wants it. 雪亭今晚要去女神酒店找南兰问清楚大哥被她杀死的事,他想带白薇一起去,白薇自然求之不得。

Sisterhood - mewatch (18)

Sisterhood - mewatch (19)

Xueting is going to the GODDESS HOTEL tonight to ask Nanlan about the death of his eldest brother. He wants to take Bai Wei with him, and Bai Wei naturally wants it. 雪亭今晚要去女神酒店找南兰问清楚大哥被她杀死的事,他想带白薇一起去,白薇自然求之不得。

Ep 10

23 mins

After Xueqiao is informed by Richard that he has transferred his equity to Nanlan. He was very angry. Biyun tries to persuade him nicely, but Xueqiao got angry at her. 理查德打电话通知雪樵他已把股权转让给南兰,雪樵大为恼怒,碧云对他好言相劝,雪樵冲她大发雷霆。

Sisterhood - mewatch (20)

Sisterhood - mewatch (21)

After Xueqiao is informed by Richard that he has transferred his equity to Nanlan. He was very angry. Biyun tries to persuade him nicely, but Xueqiao got angry at her. 理查德打电话通知雪樵他已把股权转让给南兰,雪樵大为恼怒,碧云对他好言相劝,雪樵冲她大发雷霆。

Ep 11

22 mins

The red headscarves are in a state of misery because they lose their jobs. Several red headscarves are clamoring to leave and find new jobs. Tianqing tries her best to dissuade everyone from quitting. Tianqing expresses her willingness to Sister Qi to discuss with Nanlan and beg her not to stop construction work. 众红头巾因没了工作而一片愁云惨雾,几个红头巾闹着要离开找新的工作,天晴极力劝阻众人别冲动再想想办法。天晴主动向七姑娘要求去找南兰商量一下,求她不要停工。

Sisterhood - mewatch (22)

Sisterhood - mewatch (23)

The red headscarves are in a state of misery because they lose their jobs. Several red headscarves are clamoring to leave and find new jobs. Tianqing tries her best to dissuade everyone from quitting. Tianqing expresses her willingness to Sister Qi to discuss with Nanlan and beg her not to stop construction work. 众红头巾因没了工作而一片愁云惨雾,几个红头巾闹着要离开找新的工作,天晴极力劝阻众人别冲动再想想办法。天晴主动向七姑娘要求去找南兰商量一下,求她不要停工。

Ep 12

23 mins

Haisheng is ordered to burn down Nanlan's old house. He is worried that someone in the old house has narrow escape in order to die for no reason, so he shouted loudly first... 海生奉命去烧南兰家老宅,他不想闹出人命,担心老宅里面会有人无故被烧死,就先大声喊起来。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (24)

Sisterhood - mewatch (25)

Haisheng is ordered to burn down Nanlan's old house. He is worried that someone in the old house has narrow escape in order to die for no reason, so he shouted loudly first... 海生奉命去烧南兰家老宅,他不想闹出人命,担心老宅里面会有人无故被烧死,就先大声喊起来。。。。。

Ep 13

23 mins

Haisheng hears Tianqing's plea for help when she is trapped in the old house. He wants to go in and rescue her but the fire is too strong. He feels anxious and is at a loss of what to do. . . 海生听出天晴困在老宅的求救声,他想进去救人,可火太大了,他站在围墙外急得团团转。。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (26)

Sisterhood - mewatch (27)

Haisheng hears Tianqing's plea for help when she is trapped in the old house. He wants to go in and rescue her but the fire is too strong. He feels anxious and is at a loss of what to do. . . 海生听出天晴困在老宅的求救声,他想进去救人,可火太大了,他站在围墙外急得团团转。。。。。。

Ep 14

23 mins

Haisheng curiously asks if there is any grudge between Nanlan and the Lu family. Tianqing believes that Haisheng is the one started the fire in the old house. Haisheng has no choice but to tell her the truth. Tianqing is so angry and vows that she never wants to see Haisheng in her life anymore. 海生好奇地打听南兰和陆家是不是有仇。天晴认定老宅的火是海生放的,海生只好说出实情。天晴气得咬牙切齿,发誓这辈子都不想看到海生。

Sisterhood - mewatch (28)

Sisterhood - mewatch (29)

Haisheng curiously asks if there is any grudge between Nanlan and the Lu family. Tianqing believes that Haisheng is the one started the fire in the old house. Haisheng has no choice but to tell her the truth. Tianqing is so angry and vows that she never wants to see Haisheng in her life anymore. 海生好奇地打听南兰和陆家是不是有仇。天晴认定老宅的火是海生放的,海生只好说出实情。天晴气得咬牙切齿,发誓这辈子都不想看到海生。

Ep 15

23 mins

Bihua learns that Xueting is hospitalized and goes visit him. She runs into Longjiao who is also visiting Haisheng. The two bad-tempered women become good friends surprisingly after a quarrel. 碧华得知雪亭住院,赶来探望,遇上龙娇也来看望海生。两个坏脾气的女人相互拌嘴后竟然成了好朋友。

Sisterhood - mewatch (30)

Sisterhood - mewatch (31)

Bihua learns that Xueting is hospitalized and goes visit him. She runs into Longjiao who is also visiting Haisheng. The two bad-tempered women become good friends surprisingly after a quarrel. 碧华得知雪亭住院,赶来探望,遇上龙娇也来看望海生。两个坏脾气的女人相互拌嘴后竟然成了好朋友。

Ep 16

22 mins

Sexiong is about to measure and draw on the blueprint and Xiaochan helps by holding the ruler. Suddenly, they notice Xiaojiu, who has been following them. Tianqing guesses that Xiaojiu was sent by Haisheng and forcefully drives him away. 世襄要测量画图纸,小蝉帮忙拉着尺子,突然发现跟踪他们的小九。天晴猜到小九是海生派来的,强行把他赶走了。

Sisterhood - mewatch (32)

Sisterhood - mewatch (33)

Sexiong is about to measure and draw on the blueprint and Xiaochan helps by holding the ruler. Suddenly, they notice Xiaojiu, who has been following them. Tianqing guesses that Xiaojiu was sent by Haisheng and forcefully drives him away. 世襄要测量画图纸,小蝉帮忙拉着尺子,突然发现跟踪他们的小九。天晴猜到小九是海生派来的,强行把他赶走了。

Ep 17

22 mins

Tianqing confesses to Nanlan that Haisheng is the one responsible for the arson and earnestly requests leniency in dealing with him. Nanlan admires Haisheng's courage in sacrificing himself to save others. 天晴向南兰坦诚放火之人是海生,并恳请南兰从轻发落。南兰对海生舍身救人的勇气很是赞赏。

Sisterhood - mewatch (34)

Sisterhood - mewatch (35)

Tianqing confesses to Nanlan that Haisheng is the one responsible for the arson and earnestly requests leniency in dealing with him. Nanlan admires Haisheng's courage in sacrificing himself to save others. 天晴向南兰坦诚放火之人是海生,并恳请南兰从轻发落。南兰对海生舍身救人的勇气很是赞赏。

Ep 18

23 mins

Xiaochan visits Xueting and takes the initiative to show her affection towards him. Unexpectedly, Xueting tells her that he misses Bai Wei and inquiries about Bai Wei from her. Xiaochan is very sad. 小蝉来病房看雪亭,主动向他示好。没想到雪亭念念不忘的是白薇,还向小蝉打听白薇的情况,小蝉很伤心。

Sisterhood - mewatch (36)

Sisterhood - mewatch (37)

Xiaochan visits Xueting and takes the initiative to show her affection towards him. Unexpectedly, Xueting tells her that he misses Bai Wei and inquiries about Bai Wei from her. Xiaochan is very sad. 小蝉来病房看雪亭,主动向他示好。没想到雪亭念念不忘的是白薇,还向小蝉打听白薇的情况,小蝉很伤心。

Ep 19

23 mins

Haisheng warns Shixiang not to provoke Tianqing. Shixiang is frightened and flees in panic. Tianqing is very disappointed in Haisheng for what he has done. She threatens to go to the police to expose his arson acts. . . . . . 海生警告世襄不许招惹天晴,世襄吓得落荒而逃。天晴看不惯海生的所作所为,对他大失所望,扬言要去警察局揭发他纵火的事。。。。。。

Sisterhood - mewatch (38)

Sisterhood - mewatch (39)

Haisheng warns Shixiang not to provoke Tianqing. Shixiang is frightened and flees in panic. Tianqing is very disappointed in Haisheng for what he has done. She threatens to go to the police to expose his arson acts. . . . . . 海生警告世襄不许招惹天晴,世襄吓得落荒而逃。天晴看不惯海生的所作所为,对他大失所望,扬言要去警察局揭发他纵火的事。。。。。。

Ep 20

23 mins

Upon learning that that Xueting secretly returns home from the hospital to see Bai Wei, Bihua goes to her sister Biyun to confide in her. Biyun asks her to take the initiative; as long as she successfully wins Xueting over, she could become Xueting's wife. 碧华得知雪亭偷偷从医院回家找白薇后,就去找姐姐碧云诉苦。碧云让她主动出击,只要和雪亭修成正果,就能成为雪亭的太太。

Sisterhood - mewatch (40)

Sisterhood - mewatch (41)

Upon learning that that Xueting secretly returns home from the hospital to see Bai Wei, Bihua goes to her sister Biyun to confide in her. Biyun asks her to take the initiative; as long as she successfully wins Xueting over, she could become Xueting's wife. 碧华得知雪亭偷偷从医院回家找白薇后,就去找姐姐碧云诉苦。碧云让她主动出击,只要和雪亭修成正果,就能成为雪亭的太太。

Ep 21

22 mins

Haisheng says that he used to be a wealthy young master. However, his family's fortunes decline, and he seeks refuge with Lin Longqing. He expresses his feelings to Tianqing, but she does not answer. 海生讲述自己的经历,原来他曾经也是一个富家少爷,后来家道中落就投奔了林龙青。他向天晴表明心意,天晴只是不停地埋头吃饭。

Sisterhood - mewatch (42)

Sisterhood - mewatch (43)

Haisheng says that he used to be a wealthy young master. However, his family's fortunes decline, and he seeks refuge with Lin Longqing. He expresses his feelings to Tianqing, but she does not answer. 海生讲述自己的经历,原来他曾经也是一个富家少爷,后来家道中落就投奔了林龙青。他向天晴表明心意,天晴只是不停地埋头吃饭。

Ep 22

22 mins

Xueting gets extremely drunk, and Bihua recalls her sister's suggestion to make him hers. Despite this, Bihua ultimately leaves Xueting, seeking her own love. 雪亭醉得不省人事,碧华想起姐姐给她出的生米煮成熟饭的主意但是碧华终究离开了雪亭,找寻属于自己的爱情。

Sisterhood - mewatch (44)

Sisterhood - mewatch (45)

Xueting gets extremely drunk, and Bihua recalls her sister's suggestion to make him hers. Despite this, Bihua ultimately leaves Xueting, seeking her own love. 雪亭醉得不省人事,碧华想起姐姐给她出的生米煮成熟饭的主意但是碧华终究离开了雪亭,找寻属于自己的爱情。

Ep 23

23 mins

Bai Wei is indeed Lu Xuelin's daughter, and she is determined to find her father's remains to bring back to Shanghai for burial alongside her mother. Meanwhile, in a dark room, Lu Xuelin is chained and has been imprisoned there for four years, unknown to anyone... 白薇确是陆雪霖的女儿,而她一心要找到父亲的遗骸,带回上海与母亲合葬。此时,在一座黑屋里,陆雪霖正被铁链锁着,他已经被囚禁于此四年,无人知晓……

Sisterhood - mewatch (46)

Sisterhood - mewatch (47)

Bai Wei is indeed Lu Xuelin's daughter, and she is determined to find her father's remains to bring back to Shanghai for burial alongside her mother. Meanwhile, in a dark room, Lu Xuelin is chained and has been imprisoned there for four years, unknown to anyone... 白薇确是陆雪霖的女儿,而她一心要找到父亲的遗骸,带回上海与母亲合葬。此时,在一座黑屋里,陆雪霖正被铁链锁着,他已经被囚禁于此四年,无人知晓……

Ep 24

22 mins

Shixiang hints that Tianqing is not up to the task and forcefully volunteers to rebuild the house. Nan Lan has long seen through Shixiang's ambitions, deliberately sending Shixiang out to deal with Xueqiao. 世襄暗示天晴不堪重任,并强行自荐重建老宅。南兰早就看出世襄的野心,她故意把世襄派出去对付雪樵。

Sisterhood - mewatch (48)

Sisterhood - mewatch (49)

Shixiang hints that Tianqing is not up to the task and forcefully volunteers to rebuild the house. Nan Lan has long seen through Shixiang's ambitions, deliberately sending Shixiang out to deal with Xueqiao. 世襄暗示天晴不堪重任,并强行自荐重建老宅。南兰早就看出世襄的野心,她故意把世襄派出去对付雪樵。

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Sisterhood - mewatch (50)

Sisterhood - mewatch (51)

Sisterhood - mewatch (52)Some Violence

Sisterhood - mewatch (2024)


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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.