Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (2024)

This Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Elite Four guide gives you all the information, resources, and strategy you need to conquer the Pokemon League and defeat all members of the Elite Four in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.

Elite Four #1 - Sidney

Elite Four: Sidney

Type Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (2)

Recommended Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (3) Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (4)

#1 Mightyena

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (6)
Lv: 46
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: N/A
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (7)
Take Down Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (8)
Sand-Attack Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (9)
Roar Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (10)

#2 Cacturne

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (12)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (13)
Lv: 46
Ability: Sand Veil
Hold Item: N/A
Faint Attack Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (14)
Needle Arm Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (15)
Cotton Spore Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (16)
Leech Seed Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (17)

#3 Shiftry

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (19)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (20)
Lv: 48
Ability: Chlorophyll
Hold Item: N/A
Fake Out Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (21)
Extrasensory Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (22)
Double Team Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (23)
Swagger Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (24)

#4 Sharpedo

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (26)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (27)
Lv: 48
Ability: Rough Skin
Hold Item: N/A
Surf Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (28)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (29)
Slash Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (30)
Swagger Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (31)

#5 Absol

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (33)
Lv: 49
Ability: Pressure
Hold Item: Sitrus Berry
Swords Dance Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (34)
Slash Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (35)
Aerial Ace Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (36)
Snatch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (37)


Sidney is the first member of the Elite Four and specializes in Dark-type Pokemon. He has 3 Pokemon with secondary typings, which you can take advantage of. By this point, you should have the tools to fight Grass and Water-type Pokemon, which means that Cacturne, Shiftry, and Sharpedo should be relatively easy.

For Mightyena and Absol, we recommend using a Bug or Fighting-type Pokemon. Be warned, though, that all Elite Four members will use potions and that Absol is carrying a Sitrus Berry, which he will use to heal if not one-shot KO’d. Mightyena has the move Roar, which may make switching to your properly typed Pokemon difficult. Make sure your team has a variety of moves on each Pokemon so that this is less of an issue.

Elite Four #2 - Phoebe

#1 Dusclops

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (43)
Lv: 48
Ability: Pressure
Hold Item: N/A
Curse ???-type
Confuse Ray Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (44)
Future Sight Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (45)
Shadow Punch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (46)

#2 Banette

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (48)
Lv: 49
Ability: Insomnia
Hold Item: N/A
Spite Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (49)
Will-O-Wisp Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (50)
Shadow Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (51)
Faint Attack Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (52)

#3 Banette

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (54)
Lv: 49
Ability: Insomnia
Hold Item: N/A
Toxic Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (55)
Skill Swap Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (56)
Shadow Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (57)
Psychic Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (58)

#4 Sableye

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (60)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (61)
Lv: 50
Ability: Keen Eye
Hold Item: N/A
Faint Attack Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (62)
Shadow Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (63)
PsychicPokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (64)
Attract Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (65)

#5 Dusclops

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (67)
Lv: 51
Ability: Pressure
Hold Item: Sitrus Berry
Confuse Ray Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (68)
Shadow Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (69)
Ice Beam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (70)
Earthquake Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (71)


Ghost-type Pokemon are universally weak to Dark-type moves, but this presents a bit of a problem against Sableye. Sableye will have no special means of one-shotting it because of its typing, so try to respect it and bring out your best. Otherwise, you may be surprised since his level 51 Duskclops has Ice Beam and Earthquake, both powerful moves in their own right against a variety of Pokemon. The other 3 Pokemon have a bunch of status-effect moves, but you can prepare for this by having your Pokemon hold berries before the fight and bringing healing items in abundance.

Elite Four #3 - Glacia

Elite Four: Glacia

Type Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (73)

Recommended Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (74) Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (75)

#1 Glalie

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (77)
Lv: 50
Ability: Inner Focus
Hold Item: N/A
Hail Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (78)
Light Screen Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (79)
Ice Beam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (80)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (81)

#2 Sealeo

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (83)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (84)
Lv: 50
Ability: Thick Fat
Hold Item: N/A
Surf Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (85)
Ice Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (86)
Hail Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (87)
Body Slam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (88)

#3 Sealeo

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (90)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (91)
Lv: 52
Ability: Thick Fat
Hold Item: N/A
Hail Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (92)
Blizzard Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (93)
Dive Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (94)
Attract Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (95)

#4 Glalie

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (97)
Lv: 52
Ability: Inner Focus
Hold Item: N/A
Hail Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (98)
Ice Beam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (99)
Shadow Ball Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (100)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (101)

#5 Walrein

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (103)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (104)
Lv: 53
Ability: Thick Fat
Hold Item: Sitrus Berry
Blizzard Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (105)
Surf Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (106)
Body Slam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (107)
Sheer Cold Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (108)


The biggest weakness of the Ice-type is fire-based moves. But if you bring that in expecting an easy win, you’ll be disappointed by the plethora of water Pokemon in this fight. To counter this, try bringing in Electric or Fighting type pokemon. Fighting is great against Ice and neutral against Water, so no matter what the second type is, you will continue to take advantage of the squishiness of the type itself. If you go this route, beware of Glalie’s crunch since this will decimate any fighting pokemon.

As always, the final Pokemon has a sitrus berry, and Glacia won’t hesitate to use potions or other healing items.

Elite Four #4 - Drake

Elite Four: Drake

Type Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (110)

Recommended Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (111) Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (112)

#1 Shelgon

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (114)
Lv: 52
Ability: Rock Head
Hold Item: N/A
Dragon Claw Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (115)
Rock Tomb Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (116)
Protect Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (117)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (118)

#2 Altaria

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (120)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (121)
Lv: 54
Ability: Natural Cure
Hold Item: N/A
Take Down Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (122)
DragonBreath Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (123)
Dragon Dance Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (124)
Refresh Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (125)

#3 Flygon

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (127)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (128)
Lv: 53
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Flamethrower Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (129)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (130)
DragonBreath Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (131)
Sand-Attack Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (132)

#4 Flygon

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (134)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (135)
Lv: 53
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Fly Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (136)
Dig Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (137)
DragonBreath Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (138)
Sandstorm Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (139)

#5 Salamence

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (141)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (142)
Lv: 55
Ability: Intimidate
Hold Item: Sitrus Berry
Flamethrower Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (143)
Dragon Claw Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (144)
Crunch Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (145)
Fly Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (146)


This final Elite Four member specializes in Dragon-type Pokemon, so Ice-type moves or Pokemon will be a natural counter. Be warned, though, that Flygon and his signature Pokemon Salamence both have Fire-type moves. Otherwise, a non-dragon pokemon with dragon moves can use Dragon’s natural affinity against itself. This fight is something of a brawl, with many of his Pokemon relying on moves like dig, fly, or sand-attack to buy time before moving in for a devastating move.

Pokemon League Champion - Steven

Champion: Steven

Type Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (148) Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (149)

Recommended Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (150) Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (151)

#1 Skarmory

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (153)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (154)
Lv: 57
Ability: Keen Eye
Hold Item: N/A
Steel Wing Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (155)
Toxic Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (156)
Aerial Ace Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (157)
Spikes Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (158)

#2 Claydol

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (160)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (161)
Lv: 55
Ability: Levitate
Hold Item: N/A
Earthquake Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (162)
AncientPower Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (163)
Light Screen Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (164)
Reflect Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (165)

#3 Aggron

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (167)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (168)
Lv: 56
Ability: Sturdy
Hold Item: N/A
Earthquake Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (169)
Dragon Claw Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (170)
Thunder Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (171)
SolarBeam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (172)

#4 Cradily

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (174)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (175)
Lv: 56
Ability: Suction Cups
Hold Item: N/A
AncientPower Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (176)
Confuse Ray Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (177)
Sludge Bomb Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (178)
Giga Drain Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (179)

#5 Armaldo

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (181)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (182)
Lv: 56
Ability: Battle Armor
Hold Item: N/A
AncientPower Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (183)
Slash Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (184)
Aerial Ace Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (185)
Water Pulse Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (186)

#6 Metagross

Type: Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (188)Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (189)
Lv: 58
Ability: Clear Body
Hold Item: Sitrus Berry
Meteor Mash Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (190)
Earthquake Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (191)
Psychic Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (192)
Hyper Beam Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (193)


Steven is the champion of the Pokemon League and the effective final boss of the game, so make sure you’re properly prepared and healed before taking him on. His Pokemon are, as per tradition, varied in their typing and specialties. But, he has a disproportionate number of Rock-type and Steel-type Pokemon in his team, so you can take advantage of this by bringing a strong Fighting-type. Be scared of his Claydol for the devastation he can bring onto an unsuspecting Fighting-type, though.

Take time to make sure you’re bringing in your best Pokemon when you knock out one of his. Other types you should have include ground and fire since the plethora of Steel-type Pokemon make fire an ideal backup. A good Ghost-type will also help you against Claydol and Metagross, and negate the power of the Hyper Beam he brings in with his final Pokemon. If you manage to defeat Steven, you will be the Pokemon League Champion! Congratulations!

Thanks for using our Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire Elite Four guide!

Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire Elite Four (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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