Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


FARMS GET U.S. AWARDS Washington, Jan. 22 Awards of $1000 or more were received by 23 New Jersey farms for compli- If TTxl i 'V' i 1 1 ES I 1 A LITTLE CARE South Jersey Manufaclurers Myi: AND conservation and parity program Red CrOSS Recruitment Ceil stipulations during 1943, the U. S. I Ssx I ter Announces Names of 6 Now in Service i URLEY'S Announcine the names ol sixi Department of Agriculture reported yesterday.

In the Bridgeton area $31,665 was awarded. Almost 96 percent of the payments in the state were less than $200. Payments of $1000 or more totaled $269,413. Among the recipients were: April Brothers, Millville, $1776; i I umiiif local nurses who enlisted in the the county nurse recruitment i committee of the American Pwed Cross today issued an appeal to eligible nurses to enlist. Lt.t Angelina D.

Schiavo Camden Lt. Myrtle King Oaklyn Lt. M. June McCloskey Collingswo-od HOME Charles A. Collins, While Army units are going over- $2339; Lester Collins.

Moorestown, seas without nurses and- wounded to Honor Home Front Production Workers Special honor will be paid to men and women on the production fronts when the South Jersey Manufacturers' Association holds its annual dinner me ting in the. Walt Whitman hotel on Feb. 1, at 6.30 p. m. Ira B.

Mqsher, of New. York, president of the National Manufacturers' Association, will be th principal speaker. He will on "The Job Ahead." William H. Radebaugh, secretary and executive of the SJMA, said men and women employed in South-Jersey war industries whjo. are turning out critically rieededl materials for the Army and Navy to hasten the winning of th war against the Nazis will be given special honor at the dinner.

Preceding the reception in honor of Mosher and also the dinner, members of the association will elect seven members to the fishters are literally dying for the Will MAINTAIN YOUR HOME IN GOOD CONDITION FOR THE DURATION of itsi quota by 163 although 600, took and passed the state boardi only 26 enlisted, according I 1-4 It ft 11 Sfl I i $1839; Forsgate Farms, Jamesburg, $1541; Investors Management. Corporation, Bridgeton, $9776; Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, Newark, New Jersey State Hospital, Trenton, $1251; New Jersey State Prison Farm, Leesburg, $1136; Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, $101,243 Sea-brook Baitinger, Bridgeton, $9215; Seabrook Farms Company, Bridgeton, $7578; Alfred Toto, New Brunswick, to the appeal. Information and details on enlistment are available at the Nurse Recruitment committee, American Red Cross, Camden County i Serving in France 1 i Now serving in France is Lt. M. June McCloskey, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Harry E. McCloskey, i of i 304 Sloan avenue, Collingswood. Woodbury Applications for pay- She is a graduate of Cooper hospi-: ment on November and December tal, and until recently was-in Eng-i tive board to fill vacancies. Those selected by the nominating committee are: H.

M. kieck-hefer. vice president, Kieckhefef milk and butterfat deliveries under land. Her sister, Betty, was the the Dairy Feed program can -be: first cadet nurse training at Cooper Lt. Sylvia Mitchell Camden Lt.

Simmone It. Guerry Merehantville Lt. Anita Romani Florence Container Company, Delair; A. F. made at the office of George E.

hospital to go into the Army. She juamD, county agricultural agent, was transferred to tne Army Rhodes! general hospital for her last beginning today and until Jan. 31 OUR PEOPLE LIYED AS PURE AS MONEY CAN BUY None faster. None surer. None better.

No aspirin can do more for you than St. Joseph Aspirin world's largest seller at 10c, and you get 100 tablets for only 35c. Be cure to demand St. Joseph Aspirin. six months of training and will pe graduated next month.

1 Lt. Myrtle King was a victim 'of infantile paralysis at the age of two and, following her experiences at Cooper hospital and her acquaintance with Mildred Lyndal, now in charge of the school of chose a nursing career at an early age. Assigned to Fort Dix, she was recently transferred to work' on hospital trains transporting wounded men. Her par Miller, assistant to the general manager, Campbell Soup Company; E. Kessler Webster, (president, Warren Webster Comlpany; Maxon A.

Eddy, vice president, Kimble Glass Company Viniland; Robert M. Rausch, vice president, Arrow Safety-Device Company, Mt. Holly; Edwin Knust, treasurer, A. N. Stollwerck, and R.

(Eoale, vice president-treasurer, I'. P. Thomas and Sons Company, Fauls-boro. The annual election of of 'icers will be held in March. Prbsent officers are Charles II.

Wagner, president; Sidney P. Longmaicj and Warren Webster, vice presidents; J. M. Auchter, treasurer, W't w-vrm's many advertised that they were Original (ff FACTORY MET1I0I) Exclusive ygfer I with I FOUR YOUNG MEN LN THE GOLD RUSH I The movement of gold-seeking adventurers toward the newly ents are Mr. and Mrs.

Alfred King, selling their goods at cost necause they were leaving for the land of gold. In every town and village one might buy gold-seekers' man CLASS for WINTER SCREENS for SUMMER As Low As S1.25 Wk. uals, guides and maps of the tab- found California gold fields in 1849 julous region. and Radebaugh, secretary. Web anH in the parlv 50s is auite cor- But the psychological impulse be of 120 West Park avenue, Oaklyn.

Lt. Angelina D. Schiavo, niece of Mrs. Martinas, of 322 Cherry street, is; now serving in England. She is graduate of West Jersey hospital iiursing school.

With Cooper I'nit 1 Lt. Anita Romani. daughter of ster is now serving in the aimed forces. rectly described as a "rush" rather hind gold rush was deeper and STERN'S lllVi Jl l. VAIL, I IIU1I 1 V.

gain wealth. For a vast number of CAMDEN 1237 28 S. 4h S. men it was a flight from reality Mr. and Mrs.

Oscar Romani, Delaware avefiue, Florence, is serving overseas the Cooper unit, an escape for those who were tired of the. monotony of existence, ox their petty shops and trades, of Makes Furniture Germ Resistant where she is chief nurse of the CREDIT DENTISTRY than a migration. Whenever people migrate to a new country or to an old country which is alien to them they go as settlers and usually after long preparation. They are accompanied by their wives and children, for they are looking for a new home, where they expect to remain. There nothing like that in the famous gold rush, which was dominated by a hysterical recklessness.

Men LODZ ILL KI1 AS TEXTILE CENTER Polish City, Recaptured jby their wives and families. operating room. Yonr Dental Work Completed on Mt "ACCKITED CHEDIT PLAN" Lt. Simmonne R. Guerry, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Rudolph C-Guerry, 11749 West River drivd, Merchantviille, is now assigned to Seymour-Johnson Field, N. C. A WEAR YOVH fLATES WHILE PAVING Russians, Was Boomed graduate of Cooper nursing school, Peraoval Attention by the thousands left their homes in the eastern states and rushed By German Capital NOT CONNECTED WITH ANY OTHER OKNTAI OFFICE i Odor llesistant Flame llelanlent Our 10-STAR Service she enlisted in Januafy, 1943, and received her basic training at Greensboro, N. C.

Lt. Sylvia Mitchell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, 712 Woodland avenue, is now serving "If anybody wants to drop out now's the timeto do it," said Jacob Birdsall, looking at the three young men sitting around the table. "As for me," he continued, "I'Bi going, even if I have to go alone." "Aw, Jake, you know we're all going, so what's the use of asking us again?" This came from Andy Gordon, who seemed annoyed by Birdsall's question.

"We ought to be on our way in a week, or we'll have a late start. It would've been better if we'd left here a month ago. Here it is the middle of April, and they all say it takes four months to get out there "Takes longer'n that from here," said the youngest member of the party, whose name was Tom N. W. Cor.

3rd Morkef, Phila. i i uks-s to 8 dftllT. to 4 Sat. rhon LOMbard 7838 pell-mell toward the setting sun. This movement, which has no parallel in American history, was inspired by the accidental discovery of gold in the Sacramento Valley in January, 1848.

Capt. John A. Sutter, a prosaic-looking German-Swiss, owned a large tract of land in that region. The population of California was small, and there were great areas of forest, desert and mountain ranges that were uninhabited. Parts of the territory had never I If I rnuDittt- I COMPltTI" 1I vwmrit.s I I Strl SUPPLY CO.


It says there that it takes four Captain Sutter employed James months from Independence, or W. Marshall, a mill builder, to I from St. Joseph, and we're not at put up a sawmill on Sutter's either one of those places, but right in Mason General hospital, Brentwood, N. She enlisted in Au gust, 1944, and was assigned to England General hospital, Atlantic City. MILLVILLE EAGLES I MARK ANNIVERSARY Millville, Jan.

22. Millville Lodge Fraternal Order of Eagles, Saturt day. night celebrated its thirty-sixth anniversary with a dinner and en--tertainment sin the local aerie. i Ten. of th? 15 surviving charter members of ithe lodge attended the dinner.

Special honor was paid Joseph Marts, 80, the only member to be elected state president of the order. When the local lodge was organized it enrolled 67 members. There are now 1236 members with 125 serving iin the armed forces. The local aerie is free of debt. i Dinner speakers included Joseph Creek, in the course or this job: here in our home town of Mem- AND ONE CUSHION AND THREE CUSHIONS 53s CHAIR $28ss SOFA Tile Board Lodz, captured by the mighty Russian tide rolling from the eajst, is a Polish textile center that could almost qualify as made in Germany.

capital and German workers were large contributors to the city's fame as a producer of cotton, woolen, silk aifd linen fabrics. It has-been called the "Manchester of Poland." Situated on the so-called Lodz plateau, with heights ranging ip to more than 900 feet, Lodz ringed by a group of smaller industrial to'wns, says the National Geographic Society. It lies about "3,2 air miles southwest of capturcld Warsaw, and 117 air miles northwest of captured Krakow, former seat of the Polish government. Lodz is long and narrow. It ijs built along a seven-mile street.

Including, suburbs, the city sprawls over an area of 11 square miles. A forest of tall stacks defined Lodz' smoky skyline, and advertised to the world its many industrial interests. Architecture was functional buildings were designed for business rather than fo beauty. A technical institute, libraries and theatres" struck thu cultural note. 600 Plants In 1920's Specialization in textiles in 1815.

At the peak of production in the 1920's more than 600 plants were annually turning ou goods valued at $75,000,000. plants were self-contained included spinning, weaving, dyeins; phis, Tenn. so it'll be 'bout a week longer, starting from here." "Yes, Birdsall said peevishly. "I know all that. The reason I asked if any of you want to drop out is that we'll have to buy our things right away and get going.

It's now or never." STEEL MEDICINE CABINETS Plate class mirror door. Easy to install. Marshall found small nuggets of gold in the bed of the shallow stream. He was not sure that the little yellow pebbles were really gold, but he thought they were, so he took them to his employer. Sutter and Marshall messed over the nuggets treating them with acids for a week or so.

and then Complete selection. Moderately priced. Also Chrome Finish Moulding The fourth man present in the Sutter sent them to San Fran- back room of the grog shop where Driscoll, of auditor of Cisco for further they were seated was Matthew Gor analysis. The chemist's report that the nuggets the grand lodge; Mayor Raymond Goodwin and City Commissioners Clarence H.i Reeves and Russell Carew. i i mi fe i nLj: joy p2fdjtny 1 1 11 FAT WASTED ANNUALLY "It is estimated that about FOR KITCHEN OR PLAYROOM INLAID don, brother of Andrew.

He raised his arms toward the ceiling in a tired gesture, yawned noisily and said, "My God! Stop talking and do something. Come on and let's lay in some supplies. As it is we can't leave under a week from now." He rose from his chair and strode toward the door with the others following him. The California gold rush had gained four new recruits. (To Be Continued) 000,000 pounds of kitchen fats are were pure gold leaked out within a fewr days and there was a stampede of men of all classes and conditions toward the Sacramento Valley.

For a few months this frenzy was limited to the inhabitants of California, for there was no railroad or telegraph line across the continent, and it took many weeks to send letters on their long journey around the Horn, or across the Isthmus of Panama. news reached the east in the early Summer of 1848. It came with prodigious tales of Iet quick relief from the cough, muscular soreness and stuffiness, due to colds, with this fine old family medicine that eost3 lesa than lc a dose. Keep it handy Follow label directions. Get bottle today.

All drug stores, 35c JUNIPER-TAR COMPOUNDS- wasted annually. War Food Administration announces. "The fat salvage collection goal is less than half that much. Every American housewife isi doing her bit for America each time she turns in a pound of kitchen fat." P. S.

she gets cash and extra ration points; too! and finishing departments under Let us Completely one roof. Other industries found Lodz a WAIP favorable site. Producers of ma chinery, boilers and chemicals pros i BOMBER CREW TAUGHT TO FLY UPON GROUND Vf JU JU 1 1 wealth suddenly acquired, of hills' pered. Population increased from 1 Now Zenith Bone-Conducfon 50,000 in 1872 to more. than heavy With gold, Of the Surface Of By 8rleme Ser ire the ground covered by4he precious Washington.

The Navy teaches in 1939. Poles made up more than half the total; the rest were Jews metal. Most of these stories were i a bomber crew to fly on the ground THE NEW in a training device that resembles and Germans. Captured and Recaptured fanciful lies, but there was a stratum of truth in some of them. Gold was to be found, indeed, but hard, back-breaking work was necessarv, your worn Laid by EXPERIENCED WORKERS AH cut from full rolls including a choice of marble-ized and modern motif designs in a wide choice of colors.

Here is an ideal covering for Kitchen or Playroom an opportunity to acquire it at a price that includes everything and satisfaction. No extra costs. BONE-CONDUCTION and even the finding of a fortune in the ground was mainly a HEARING AID German troops occuped early in the first World War, wen driven -out by Russian forces, later won it back. Fortified by th Germans in their second Occupation, the" city was used as a base for drives against Warsaw. After vith New Inconspicuous Neutral Color Unlf end Card the Germans smashed into Poland in 1939 they again took Lodz and VACUUM iCLEANEB named it Litzmannstadt city of Litzmann in honor of their war 1595 10 SQUARE YARDS i 3 New Model Zenith' fameui Air Conduction Model A-l-A at alwoyt, complete $40 Bone Conduction Zenith Model B-3-A complete with headband, neutral color receiver an cord, radionlc tubes, crystal microphone batteries and battery case "Bone-Air" Zenith Model.

A-3-A. Enables many to hear through air conduction who could not do so before. Former wearers of bone conduction report amazing results with this model $50 All models compfefe. ready to wear wllk libera servce guarantee a twin-motored Mariner flying boat. It has.

all the flight controls and instruments that are in the real plane, as well as electrical computing mechanisms which enable the Instructor to check on what the pilot, navigator and other crew members are doing. The crew enconters the same problems that it will have in a real plane later on during takeoff, flight and landing. To make the effect even more realistic, engine noise is heard and hull vibration is experienced. The elaborate trainer was developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories in cooperation with Capt. Luis de Florez, head of the Bureau of Aeronautics Special Devices Division as a step in taking many unnecessary risks out of naval training flights.

Trainers for other types of planes arc under development and hero, General Karl Litzmann. matter 01 pure Muck. The movement toward California was under way in 1848, but it did not assume great proportions until the Spring of the next year. By the midsummer- of 1849 it had become a stampede. Farmers left their fields untilled and went off with only a few dollars in their pockets.

'What did it matter if they reached California without a cent? Gold could be picked up from the ground. Workmen quit their jobs without notice and began to tramp across the continent on foot, hoping to join some wagon train in Missouri or Kansas. Small storekeepers not a few, but CUSTOM-BUILT DR. YUBAS 0-. trhl If mm guaranteed HURLEY service 'that will bring it back to full usefulness.

All new parts will be furnished wherever needed. No additional costs. Pick-up and delivery included. 431 Kaighn Avenue OPEN FRI. AND $AT.

IVES. Camden PHONE CAMDEN 10J4 Venetian Blinds In colorings that fit your decorative scheme. Samples and prices on request. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. RENEW YOUR BUNDS DO IT YOURSELF AT SMALL COST! NEW CORD (WHITE ONLY) yd.

5f fr HOW YCU CAN GET A CASH LOAN WITHOUT ENDORSERS AHD REPAY IN MONTHLY INSTALMENTS If you need, $100, $200 or more, just ments, you meet the main quahfica-phone Household Finance tell us how tion for borrowing here. 5 95 Woodbury Newly elected officers of Minnetonka Tribe of Red Men are Howard Fryers, prophet; James Madison, Sachem; Lee Mac-Cleelan, Lowell Mac-Clellan, junior sagamore; Albert NO REDUCING TWO WEEKS REQUIRED much you need and give us a little Jtf DRUGS information about yourself and your job. Then we can have your loan ready when you call at the office. Card, chief of records; John REPAY MONTHLY. Notice that you may repay in 3, 4 or more monthly instalments and that you pay charges only for the actual time you have the HO EXCERCISES Pisecco, keeper of wampum; Arthur Bayer, collector of wam NEW TAPE (ALL COLORS) (J.

It mM Mttfv 1mm ahflnt' lo get a salary, car or furniture loan pum; Katein, trustee, nve years. Iotln al7 If Tog ml ould lik Tit it I 1 tio-indt i live)1 ui-jiiy, piMuntty, rel Uw foi- lowing letter from Mia. Tern (Instruction Circular with each Purchase) at Household, ou need no endorsers 9 2tf per month or. guarantor, no recommendation fSl'fJ fl "oS" from employer or friend. If you can fAm(s.

0 18-15 efah $8-90" repay yoVloan in monthl instal- AJl. Mliff 9 9y ompKnfc uurui ri. nam if You Cannot Come to HURLEY'S "I In ti. IH awrtVt HURLEY'S, BROADWAY AT PINE, CAMDEN i AM: Mi Jones: Please have your representative "call rajaardina 9 FINS HISS THE CASH LOAN YOU NltD rrtttaiMt bk-fii viumi TaMeto and Mink tney er ttaMerfuf. I feel te much tAULTIPLU Choes your monthly poymont hro letter din Int lot.

le I it you ta tend OR HAIL US 'COUPON 4500 Phone Miss Jones CAMDEN UULIuP PC tw ttaatha1 treatment, la-alma; eleae Sad (5.M far lane. Pleua aaaS aaae." Kn. Sanpeaa la Barely ana Vl KJlj.SKJ IVail XJIUJ $6.32. A $50 loan repaid in three i monthly instalments costs $2.53. Payments shown include principal and charges.

You pay no fees or other extras. GET CASH IN A HURRY! You may get cash at Household to pay old bills, doctor or dentist, help a relative I for almost any purpose. Visit Household Finance today. Or phone your application, then call at the office. ai tnouitnda ho eera fol-loa-ed the Ba-Fll Way to ttore elender, iTteefsl fi-ur -a Huxband' Name Wife's Name i COLD MISERIES ji i iii i -r- These payments include all costs if payments are made monthly on the same day of each successive month.

Earlier or larger payments reduce the total charges and later or smaller payments increase them. Household's only Charge is the monthly rate of on -unpaid balances. It is figured on actual unpaid principal balances as reduced by payments. There are no fines, fees, discounts or other hidden charges. i I 4 9 I 75 payments payments payments payments payments 3 8.75 6.65 17.51 13.29 9.08 6.27 26.26 19.94 13.62 9.41 7.31 35.01 26.58 18.15 12.55 9.75 43.77 33.23 22 69 15.68 12.19 52.52 39.87 27.23 18.82 14.62 70.03 53.16 36.31 25.09 19.50 105.04 79.75 54.45 37.64 29.25 litre au you oe; Ltat year malar ataab tat aval eatlm katwaas Baa ksd averaatinf.

20aa'i tot ant stare fee er aweahv-JUST GUT B0WH ON THEM. 9 25 50 75 100 125 150 200 300 j. Street City .1 My HURLEY Account' No Be am yea et aaaa af eertaia Mt.M (taita aael aiiftralt ttklle reduciaa take 1 Cee-Fit Taalatt it aack Baal. -lit LI 'all a.H a 1 i MM 'I do Not Have an HURLEY Account COLD BROADWAY at PINE, CAMDEN TWO CAMDEN OFFICES i 130 North Broadway, Cor. Cooper, 8th West Jersey Trust Bldg.

Camden 7030 300 Broadway. Cor. Stevens. 4th Floor, Broadway-Stevens BIdg. Camden 7940 Licenst Nos.

642 and 641 FOR VICTORY BUY WAR SAVINGS STAMPS EVERY PAY-DAY Aef arc 80tOTItV tAft and kelp jm real kwlnt UUM uflirafitad pounde and lochea. Try fee- Baa-Fit lor It diyt. You'll tAcut tot Joy ac ice lnrartceat Mnt Imt KHO NO MONEY. I'M nme and addreea. 1 Vom paataua artnga tevkua pay kia It plaa lit paaiMa.

aend $1 l'o nrdar, wa my aul thtrtei you ae 7c Utoraay .81 moumint i tfmea Brnrh $2.50 we gv i Order todiy. Dept. 73. BEE-FIT JMTAM U0- tt T. 'a J-22-45 0.

Evening Courier from Camden, New Jersey (2024)


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.